Monday 17 August 2020

First Contact

This is essentially a trial post to see if the blog is working. While the rest of the world has been doing this for decades I've so far avoided the fun of gratuitously sharing my opinions on-line. But there's never a bad time to try something new...

So, expect thoughts on food. I've become fascinated with the variations of pho, the Vietnamese noodle soup, so we'll have to do a comparison. There are at least 5 restaurants in Tauranga offering their take - yes, I know this ain't exactly the Big City - so that's a good place to start, and I'll share my recipe for a pretty mean pho stock too (P.S. it's all about the stock).

On the wine front we enjoyed a very good and well-priced Aussie Shiraz yesterday by the unusual name of Don't Tell Gary. Came top in the latest Cuisine tasting. Very decent, neither too ripe and plummy or too peppery, clearly from the cooler climes of Victoria rather than the Barossa. It's on special at New World right now for $19.99. 

Book-wise at the moment I'm fizzing with excitement over the news that a new James Lee Burke Robicheaux novel is due. Sadly not until next May... But I'm still ploughing through James Ellroy's latest This Storm, which is once again dense and extraordinary.

On the film front I have two Russian films lined up - Coma and Sputnik. The former is touted as "a Russian Inception" while Sputnik looks like a creature feature with a returning Cosmonaut infected by an outer space nasty. I will report back! 

And music? Well I'm just getting over the depression that comes with having to cancel another tranche of shows because of this new virus outbreak. Which is a bit gut-wrenching to be honest. But I have been grooving on the Drive-By Truckers fantastic album American Band. It really is a thing of wonder - so smart, so strong and political and a wash of reassuringly nasty guitars. Yum.

OK. That's probably too much. Maybe there was something useful for y'all. I'll get the hang of this soon...


  1. Well done blogman. Takes me back to the days of Blink. I like the title "A debt to pleasure". An ode to our hedonistic lifestyles perhaps. At very least, given you are providing us a steer, we can live vicariously through your ability to find good wine, good movies and books with big words.

  2. Derek you are a legend thank you for startin the blog..what fun!..Di Riddel

    1. Hi Di! We'll see what happens... Follow it if you can and it'll let you know when I remember to post.

  3. Fantastic about time you spread your articulate experienced word on these matters I'm guessing there'll be a touch of the blues in there somewhere !

    1. Hi Carol! I suspect a touch of blues will sneak in there somewhere - if you sign up to follow the blog small birds will undoubtedly sing in dappled trees of happiness.

  4. Nice one Centurian more more

  5. Excellent - looking forward to more 🍷🎸✍️

  6. Welcome Russell - follow the blog and I'll buy you a drink!

  7. Great stuff Derek
    Sold on the wine name will def check that out for a wee taste.

    1. It's well worth a crack, particularly at that price.

  8. Man I wish you would provide a bit more details about the food experience next time. Just kidding! But I never would have thought you would be providing free advertising for wines sold at New World. I hope some day you get to experience a wine from Finer Wines worthy of such accolades! (Is my blade sharp enough)? Great stuff.

  9. Ladies and Gentlemen, remember the finest wine shop in New Zealand - Finer Wines in Katikati! Also home of the world's best rum, gin and whisky. I would strongly recommend you visit immediately!
