Friday 9 April 2021

Going "off-menu" at Dumpling Delight

Dumpling Delight
Cuisine: Dumplings, Northwestern Chinese
Address: 20 Wharf St, Tauranga
Phone: 07 5712166
Drinks: Beer, soft drinks - some unusual 
Reservations: Probably unnecessary

There is a sort of insider thrill in ordering "off-menu" items from a restaurant. In getting something that "regular" folk don't. Sadly, this most often seems to manifest itself in a social media frenzy about some variation on a McDonalds' burger you can get if you know the right code word. Hooray. 

But it is also something that can occasionally be accessed at friendly Asian restaurants, where if asked they'll perhaps make available their staff meals or the odd unusual thing normally cooked just for themselves. 

And now, with the rise of Facebook/Instagram, more than a few restaurants feature specials only found on their social media, not on the regular restaurant menu. Rice Rice Baby at The Mount, for instance, usually has a couple of monthly specials that can only be found on-line.

This is also true of drinks. Bar Centrale currently offers a cocktail called a Hanky Panky (very good it is too) which is only listed on their Facebook page, and they sometimes have other cocktails they're working on or experimenting with that they'll make for you if asked.

Dumpling Delight has three such dishes, not on their menu but listed on their Facebook page. They are all Northern Chinese specialties and are all rather wonderful. I tried one in the restaurant and two as takeaways...

  • Roasted Lamb Ribs    $42
These were a takeaway and I didn't even get a picture so I'm using one from their website. They were really good - crisp outside, juicy inside - if not exactly cheap. It was, however, a big portion. Meaty lamb ribs in a real mix of spices - cumin and chilli were most prominent - and peanuts and all sort of crunchy sprinkles. Noticeably different spicing from the Cumin Lamb. Great the next day too.
  • Big Plate Chicken    $32
You've gotta love that name! And very accurate it proved. This was another takeaway and came in two big containers filled with chicken, potato, capsicum, onion and more, with a third for the noodles. They were unusual noodles too, housemade from rice and with an almost "chewy" texture (you can just see them underneath the chicken - this pic really does no justice to the sheer size of the dish...).

The sauce was astounding, unlike anything I've had before, a mix of a Northwestern Chinese ingredients - Sichuan peppercorns were prominent - and Spice Trail curry elements. It was simply fantastic and had its flavours soaked up by the potato chunks which tasted wonderful. 

I should mention that the chicken was of the bony variety, ribs and all sorts. But if you don't mind some fiddly eating you will be well rewarded - this is the sort of dish that Lonely Planet readers travel out of their way to discover.          

  • Guo Bao Rou    $28
And I think this was possibly the best of the three. It's a legendary Northeastern Chinese dish   originating in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. And it even comes with an extra note on their Facebook page:

"Authentic Chinese northern style sweet and sour pork slices, once you eat that, you will not regret that! Please noted that this dish is not on the menu. Its wait time will be at least 20 mins, and unable to serve during busy hours! Thanks"
That may seem a bit restrictive, and does make it a little harder to order! I rang in advance because I really wanted it and I'm so glad I did. It is in every way sensational, with its delicately spiced and beautifully balanced honey sauce, and lean moist meat in a crisp batter. Three of us tried it and we were all completely blown away. I cannot recommend it highly enough if you're a fan of deep-fried pork - this is sweet and sour pork raised to a whole new level. Brilliant.

If I come across "off-menu" dishes in future I'll probably pop them straight on the A Debt To Pleasure Facebook page - come Like and/or Follow me. It's new but I plan to have all sorts of groovy stuff there pretty soon!

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