Friday 30 April 2021

Really Lazy Feijoa Jam

It's getting to the end of feijoa season, and having made jams, chutneys, jelly, and many many crumbles, I've now taken to just scooping them out and freezing them. After a complete bust last year the feijoa trees have just gone crazy this time round so I decided to wrap things up with a bunch of really lazy feijoa jam. 

I usually do this "properly", but after making so much stuff with feijoas I ran out of patience and "cheated" using jam-setting sugar for the quickest way to use more of them. It really is ridiculously easy. And delicious. The original recipe was half this but it doubles up well. I figure if you're doing it you might as well do it. As per usual I just used a bunch of mixed jars that were lying around - you can always be flash and find matching lids and labels!


  • 2kg Feijoas
  • Juice of 4 lemons
  • 1 cup water
  • 2kg jam setting sugar
  • A few drops of Pandan (see note at bottom) or other green food colouring (optional)


  • Top and tail the feijoas, roughly quarter them and bung them in a food processor. Wizz until they're broken up and the skin is in small flecks. A minute should do it.

  • Put the mushed-up feijoas in a large saucepan with the lemon juice and water and bring to the boil. Add a little Pandan or other green colouring if you like. 


  • Add and dissolve the sugar, boil gently for 5 minutes. You can check if it is ready by the method in the marmalade recipe, but it's pretty sure to be done.
  • Take off the heat and skim off any scum.

  • Allow to cool for 5 minutes then ladle into sterilized jars. 

I should mention that I had a bit of a disaster while making this, when my food processor - old reliable beast that it was - crapped out half way through wizzing the feijoas. Dunno why. It's completely dead. So I grabbed the Nutribullet (or actually the cheap generic thing I bought instead of a Nutribullet) and dealt to the rest of the feijoas in that. As a result there aren't quite as many bits of skin since it liquidised just about everything no matter how quickly I tried to do it. It doesn't seem to have mattered - this is a very forgiving recipe!

NOTE: Sterilising jars - put them into a 140C oven for 25 minutes. Take the lids off first and put them in as well. 

ANOTHER NOTE: Pandan is my secret ingredient! It's a natural colouring made from a Malaysian leaf, available at Indian and Asian delis. I just reckon feijoa jam looks better when it's greener. This is, of course, a totally individual choice!

LAST NOTE: It really helps when filling the jars to have a little equipment. It's pretty messy ladling jam into jars so a funnel is handy (and cheap). Those are the red things in the pic. The jam is also BLOODY HOT, so take care!

One last thing... wipe down everything soon after finishing: jam comes off really easily until it cools down. After that it's a real pain.


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