Tuesday 22 September 2020

The Gin & Jam Cocktail

Yesterday I shared a gin cocktail - actually more of a mixed drink - which was particularly suitable for the particular Four Pillars Sherry Cask gin I'd been given. Here's one that works with any gin. Perhaps a London Dry gin. You can use one of those fancy new floral numbers if you like but a good solid well-priced London brand such as Hayman's will do just fine.

This is a very simple gin cocktail recipe, an old English one, and one that is especially useful should you want to whip up something unusual for a guest and find yourself lacking exotic components. You're more than likely to have all these ingredients in the house already.

This is the famous Gin & Jam Cocktail.

NOTE: On sugar syrup... These can vary slightly in ratio. I use a 50/50 mix of sugar and water, heated to dissolve the sugar, cooled, and kept handy in the fridge at all times.  

ANOTHER NOTE: On shaking... jam tends to put up a bit of a fight so a little extra vigour may be required.

A FINAL NOTE: If you want to be really cutting edge (for Tauranga), serve it in one of those faux hipster jam jars that have become so popular. With a striped paper straw, naturally. 

You can of course vary the drink by using strawberry jam, blackberry or even cranberry, but here at the Debt To Pleasure Test Kitchen we recommend the original raspberry, which tastes delightfully English and fills the mouth poetically with a confectioner's dusting of candied fruit. 


  • 40ml Gin

  • 15ml fresh lemon juice

  • 15ml sugar syrup

  • 5ml raspberry jam

  • Shake all ingredients vigorously with ice

  • Strain over ice

  • Garnish with blackberries / raspberries / other berries 

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